FlexAd Publishing Directions
Flex Publishing Directions
FlexAds are a way to place Mediabids performance based dynamic digital ads onto a website. This document is intended to outline the instructions for installing the Mediabids FlexAd tag into a website. Installation varies based on the particular needs of a publication and can be done manually or through a variety of Content Management Systems (CMS). Installation of a FlexAd follows industry standard practices much like installing a Google Analytics tag, or a Facebook Ad tag. The basic steps are as follows:
The first step in publishing FlexAds is to register the domain you be will publishing too with the Mediabids platform. This only needs to be done one time per domain. Once your domain is registered, you can publish ads on whichever pages under that domain that you wish.
Open a separate browser tab and navigate to your Publication Media kit page and enter the domain you wish to use:
Once you have verified your domain, the next step is to install the FlexAd code and publish your ad tags.
Manual Installation
On the tab with the Mediabids site, return to the FlexAd placement management block . This is where you will find the FlexAd Javascript scriptlet you will need to place on your web page(s). Click on the code to highlight and then copy it:
In the page where you want to publish FlexAds, place the script tag in the HEAD section of the page:
<title>Your Website Title</title>
<script> let mbol = window.onload; window.onload = function() { if (typeof mbol === 'function') { mbol(); } let s = document.createElement('script'); s.type = 'text/javascript'; s.src ="http://mblink.it.localhost//flexad/v1/js/?p=" +(location.pathname +'&q='+encodeURIComponent(location.search)).substr(1) +"&h="+window.location.hostname +"&s="+Array.from( document.querySelectorAll("[data-size]")).reduce( (ac,ce)=>ac+ce.getAttribute('data-size')+',',''); document.head.appendChild(s); }; </script></head>
On the tab with the Mediabids site, return to the FlexAd placement management block . This is where you will find the available ad sizes and allow you to get the appropriate FlexAd tag:
In the page where you want to publish FlexAds, place the FlexAd tag(s) where you want the ads to appear:
<title>Your Website Title</title>
<script> let mbol = window.onload; window.onload = function() { if (typeof mbol === 'function') { mbol(); } let s = document.createElement('script'); s.type = 'text/javascript'; s.src ="http://mblink.it.localhost//flexad/v1/js/?p=" +(location.pathname +'&q='+encodeURIComponent(location.search)).substr(1) +"&h="+window.location.hostname +"&s="+Array.from( document.querySelectorAll("[data-size]")).reduce( (ac,ce)=>ac+ce.getAttribute('data-size')+',',''); document.head.appendChild(s); }; </script></head>
<h1>About The Print Observer/h1>
<span data-mbflex data-size="728x90"></span>
<div>The Print Observer is the blog of MediaBids. MediaBids provides lead gen to advertisers through print advertising, and print advertising revenue to publishers through lead gen. We look to cover news about newspapers/magazines and the print advertising industry as a whole. Comments? Questions? Stuff you'd like us to write about? Email marketing@mediabids.com/div>
Wordpress via WPCode Plug-in Installation
- Install WPCode Plug-in: Install and activate the free WPCode plugin1.
Search for the WPCode Plug-in:
Activate it:
Search for the WPCode Plug-in:
- Add New Snippet:
On the tab with the Mediabids site, return to the FlexAd placement management block . This is where you will find the FlexAd Javascript scriptlet you will need to place on your web page(s). Click on the code to highlight and then copy it:
Navigate to Code Snippets and Add Snippet:
Add the snippet: (Give it a name and paste the code)
Verify options: ('Site Wide Header' is the best option, particularly if ads are to appear on multiple pages.)
Save and activate:
On the tab with the Mediabids site, return to the FlexAd placement management block . This is where you will find the FlexAd Javascript scriptlet you will need to place on your web page(s). Click on the code to highlight and then copy it:
- Edit your Wordpress page
Navigate to the page you want to edit and click edit:
Search for HTML and select 'Custom HTML':
On the tab with the Mediabids site, return to the FlexAd placement management block . This is where you will find the available ad sizes and allow you to get the appropriate FlexAd tag:
Paste the tag into the new Custom HTML element on your page:
Position the tag where you want it:
Update to save your changes:
Navigate to the page you want to edit and click edit:

Phone: 800.545.1135
Email: info@mediabids.com